Monday, December 22, 2008

Gay Marriage

First off, I tried to think of a funny title for this post and suffice it to say, that wasn't happening with out seriously offending any and everybody. But, know this I tried...

Secondly, I've been thinking about gay marriage since early November. Not getting gay married, I doubt Steph would appreciate that, and I'm not gay. I've been thinking about it for several reasons: 1st) The Presidential Election [the topic came up]. 2nd) Prop8 or for those more liberally minded Prop H8. 3rd) my favorite tv show ever (Boston Legal) ended and the two main characters Denny Crane and Allen Shore (played by Bill Shatner and James Spader respectively) got married, to eachother 4th). 4th) Obama having Rick Warren, who supported Prop (H)8, do something (i'm not quite sure what) at his inaugeration.

As an orthodox and conservative Christian I kind of have an orthodox and conservative view on homosexuality. But, as a person who has homosexual and bisexual friends, I'm a bit torn.

I found an exerpt about the topic on a blog I frequent and I'll repost it here (and provide a link):

"...the state needs to get out of the "marriage" business. It should recognize that as long as it uses that term and continues to privilege certain types of relationships over others this issue is going to divide us as a nation and is only going to become more and more contentious. We need to move towards the system used in many European countries, where the state issues nothing but civil unions to anyone who wants them, and those who desire it may seek a marriage from the church. When I pastored in the Netherlands, couples got a civil union certificate at the courthouse and then had a marriage ceremony at the church. This division largely negated the culture war aspect, and allowed those churches who objected to same sex marriage on biblical grounds not only to opt out, but to be able to continue to teach their biblical view of marriage unchallenged by the state...." -BOB HYATT

What do you think? Leave some comments.

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