Monday, December 8, 2008

An invitation

If you tell more people about your best friend, me, then we can all hang out and have a big party and watch scary movies and stay up late in the night talking about all of our problems. Then as the night progresses I will probably put my arm around some girl and listen to her. Then there can be a big fight, because that's what happens at intimate gathering of friends that last to the next morning without booze. We wouldn't have booze because not everybody who is my friend is old enough to drink and I want you to come also. Somebody will cry, but of course it will be the same person who always cries: "Why can't we all just be friends." Things will get akward and to make it less akward I will say something witty that can become an in joke with you, me, and all the friends that show up. We'll laugh all night after our hour long fight. Then around four in the morning people will start to nod off. Let them. Their tired. Of course, the one peson who showed up who wasn't invited will probably fall asleep, you can shave that persons eyebrows because they were not invited and its rude to show up at parties you were not invited to. Anyways, I will fall asleep last... we'll not just me. Me and the lady I put my arm around will be up late, not making relations, but talking. Then the two of us, me and my lady, will go outside and watch the sun come up. After that, we'll come in and watch informercials because infomercials are hillarious when you haven't been sleeping. Then everybody will fall asleep. Of course, the kid who wasn't invited will get up first and make a bunch of noise (probably on accident, but we'll all still be pissed anyways; because,"Hey this guys wasn't even invited.") After we're all awake, we'll not brush our teeth except for one person and we'll go to IHOP and get pancakes and talk about how we're such great friends and we'll be friends till the very end. But of course, graduation will come and you'll go off to a state school and I will go to community college...

Doesn't that sound like fun?

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